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Business Computing BSc

This degree is an interdisciplinary one that combines the breadth of Information Technologies, (electronic offices and databases, programming, and the internet) along with the core areas of Business (management, marketing and accounting, economics, and law). Graduates will have the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate information needs and understand business functions in order to design information systems.

Through a combination of theory and practical experience You'll gain the ability to be able to discern a dynamic mix of processes that allow information delivery systems to fulfil their roles within an organisation. You will also learn to recognise that an organisation is one that is constantly changing and evolving, and how the systems for information of that company must be able to adapt to these changes and new demands and requirements from users.

In your second year, we'll help you develop your IT and computing skills through hands-on workshops and projects. Our professors will share their expertise in research with you, and you'll have the opportunity to participate in an industrial placement year, where you can put your new skills to use in a real-world setting.

Our instruction is informed by the latest technological developments and focuses on integrating new technologies to business. You can select from a broad range of courses, including Big Data Analytics and Informatics Strategy and Management, as in e-Business Technology. The course is complemented by regular guest speakers from top companies who help show the real-world relevance of the subject that you're studying and the professional prospects for our graduates.

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